What is (Cat)Call and Response?

What started as a senior thesis on catcalling and its effect on adolescent girls and trans* women, (Cat)Call and Response is now an online media project aimed at empowering victims of street harassment. Submitted videos of catcalls and responses will be compiled into a short film to generate awareness of the dangers of catcalling as well as encourage victims to find agency.

How can I participate?

Empower yourself and others by filming and uploading videos of heard catcalls and desired responses here. You can also submit written (Cat)Call and Responses and/or experiences of online harassment.

What should my video look like? What should I say? How long should it be?

In your video you should (1) state a CATCALL you have heard followed by (2) a RESPONSE you wish you could say to the harasser. This can be anything from a blatant response to a metaphoric reaction. It should be no more than 1 minute long. It can be filmed on any type of camera, preferably from a landscape angle. An example is located on the homepage of this site.

Where will my video end up?

Selected video submissions will be compiled into an edited short film. By submitting a video you consent to have your content in the final product.

Can I make more than one video?

Yes! And tell your friends to do the same.